Bailey is very friendly, intelligent AKC registered German Shepherd female and has working line backgrounds. She enjoys roaming the farm and being outside. She is very protective of our children and will follow them around when they are playing outside.
She has had 3 litters of puppies so far and has been an excellent mother!
Bailey & Ruger’s puppies!
Bailey & Ruger had a litter of German Shepherd puppies on Dec. 16th and they are currently 11 weeks old. There are 3 female and 4 male puppies. All the puppies are AKC registrable. Each puppy will be up to date on shots and dewormer. They will be $1200 each or best offer. We ask for a $300 deposit with paypal or cash to hold a puppy. Kylie Yoder(Hattie’s sister) will be handling the sales for this litter of puppies since Waylon + Hattie are in a busy season, preparing for a vacation. All the puppies are staying on the farm in our care. Kylie lives next door to our farm and checks in daily. Please text or call her at (330)-275-9799 or email
All our puppies are exposed to (and loved by) children just like our dogs.